The provider is not required to perform any other authorized service, e.g., food shopping, other shopping/errands, during the appointment time.The appointment is scheduled to last enough time for the provider to conduct personal business and.The amount of time the appointment will take is known in advance which would allow the provider plenty of notice that they will not be needed to provide services during that time and which can then be used for their own purposes.When a recipient is authorized for medical accompaniment, if all the following conditions are met, then the provider will be considered “Wait Time -Off Duty” (which means they will not be paid for any time spent waiting for the recipient): This means the provider is “engaged to wait” or “Wait Time -On Duty.” An example would be when a provider takes a recipient to a medical appointment and the provider has to wait at the medical office because, at any moment, they may have to take the recipient home. In order to be paid for waiting at a medical appointment, the provider has to show that while they are at a recipient’s medical appointment, they cannot leave because they cannot predict how long the recipient’s appointment will take. As of February 1, 2016, providers can receive payment for time spent waiting at medical appointments. Can an IHSS provider get paid for time spent waiting at an IHSS recipient’s doctor’s appointment? However, an IHSS recipient can pay their care provider for the use of their vehicle to transport the recipient to and from the recipient’s medical appointments. 2 IHSS care providers are not required to use their own vehicle to transport recipients to and from a medical appointment. The IHSS social worker will then assess your need for assistance in getting to and from medical appointments. To get authorized for medical accompaniment, you should tell your IHSS social worker that you have a medical appointment and that you need your IHSS provider’s assistance to get to the medical appointment. 1 For example, if a recipient has been authorized for accompaniment to medical appointments, the provider can also be paid to help the IHSS recipient travel to and from medical appointments.Įxamples of help with travel includes things like helping a recipient get in and out of a vehicle, getting properly seated, and using seat belts. Medical accompaniment can be authorized when a recipient needs another IHSS service in order to get to and from a medical appointment or alternative resource, and/or at their destination. medical appointment at a doctor’s office, dentist and to other health practitioners) is an IHSS service certain IHSS recipients can receive. Yes, this is called “accompaniment to medical appointments.” Medical accompaniment to “health care appointments” (e.g. Can I receive IHSS hours for my provider to take me to doctors’ appointments? Please contact the My Health Onsite Call Center at 1-88 to reach an operator and asked to be transferred through to the center.Print this Publication 1. Acute Medical Problemsįor those eligible to use the health and wellness center that have an acute medical problem that needs attention, we will make every effort to see those patients as quickly as possible. If you arrive at the My Health Onsite Employee Health and Wellness Center 10 minutes or later for your scheduled appointment time, you will be considered a no-show. For your convenience, please log onto your Patient Portal at call the toll-free 24-hour Call Center at 1-88 to reach an operator to cancel or reschedule your appointment. If the need arises for a last-minute appointment cancellation, please cancel with enough time to allow another Pasco County Schools employee to utilize the newly available appointment slot.

Remember to provide at least 24 hours notice if you are unable to keep your appointment. Employees/dependents who continue to “no show” for scheduled appointments will be subject to monetary fines and/or restrictions on usage of the Health and Wellness Centers. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please provide at least 24 hours notice by logging onto or calling 1-88 to cancel your appointment. The demand on the available appointment slots has been overwhelming and “no shows” greatly diminish the capacity for others to secure an available time slot. No-Shows Unfortunately, the number of employees/dependents who fail to show up for appointments without canceling remains significantly higher than other districts offering this same benefit.